Fairy Bread.


 Making fairy bread in room.

 On Monday The 29th of April We Made Fairy Bread and it was easy and simple to make.

First, Mrs kumar went to pak n save in the morning to buy bread margarine and  got sprinkles from her house for the Fairy Bread

Next, Mrs Kumar showed us how to make fairy bread and after Mrs Kumar showed us how to make the Fairy Bread ms lammas called us two by two  so we can spread the margarine on the Bread. and after we spread the margarine on the bread mrs Kumar sprinkled the bread because if we sprinkle our own bread we will make a mess.

Then, Mrs Kumar sent two people to get four butter knives from the staff room so we could spread the margarine on the bread.

Finally, Mrs kumar told us to sit at our tables and eat our fairy bread and it was crunchy and yummy. And that was the best fairy bread i ever have. Then after we ate our fairy bread we put the paper towels in the bread bag and then we put the bread bag full of paper towels in the recycling bin and cleaned our tables.

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